I got a grudging email from Gary this morning.
"Steve Jobs soaked his feet in the office toilet. : ) I guess you are in good company, although in his bio this wasn't reported as being one of his better ideas."
As you are aware, I have been know to use the toilet as a footbath. Like Mr. Steve Jobs I am a divergent thinker.
Well, Mr. Gary High-and-Mighty Toilet Spray Dare Not Moisten My Behind, I did some further research.
The Guardian reports "He was perpetually shedding his shoes, and sometimes, to relieve stress, soaked his feet in the toilet." So not only did he put his feet in the toilet, he did it for fun.
Other sources divulge that he particularly liked flushing while he soaked.
Toilet? Or foot-fountain of genius? History will decide.
I hope he had a bathroom in his office. Otherwise...eww...
Posted by: Becs | October 27, 2011 at 05:21 AM
I... I don't know how I feel about this. I have no opinion!
Posted by: Tami | October 27, 2011 at 10:56 AM
I know I'm the only one in the country (probably the universe) that doesn't think Steve Jobs was the messiah of electronics. Yes, he had some great ideas; I also think he was a micro-managing autocrat. He was weird and forced his weirdness on others because he could. Like a lot of nerdy computer types that I know he felt his way was the only way and looked down upon those who didn't agree. I can't wait to read more about his foibles. (My boyfriend thinks I'm a horrible person for this. Meh.)
Posted by: Amy in StL | October 27, 2011 at 01:39 PM
I've known guys like Jobs. They had all his traits without the success.
Posted by: Hattie | October 28, 2011 at 12:29 PM
Hattie - Let's see...megalomania. Irrational fits of rage. Hyperinflated sense of self that simply becomes narcissism. Weird things with feet. Yep. That could be my ex-husband.
Posted by: Becs | October 28, 2011 at 03:58 PM
Can't actually see how he did it - not enough room or water in our loos, or any I can remember seeing. He'd have to have poked his foot down towards the U-bend, and that doesn't sound very comfortable or relaxing. The man would have done better to install a bidet. He could have afforded one for each foot,
Posted by: Big Dot | October 28, 2011 at 10:47 PM
Becs - You know, the pee and poo are flushed away. Woosh! And maybe he flushed an extra time before he put his feet in.
Tami - Yes! Because you are not swayed by the "ick" factor.
Amy in StL - Nope, I know a womam who drove him once from the airport to some particular place in her home state. Eventually she had to ask him to stop peppering her with rapid-fire questions because it made her too nervous to drive. I think she blamed cocaine, but it could also have been mania.
Hattie - I have never worked for a male boss with any of Jobs qualities. Usually they are idiots.
Becs - "Weird things with feet" Explain.
Big Dot - We have about a third of a bowl of water in our bowl. Enough in fact to drop a sponge map in to rinse it out. Then you flush and you can rinse again. Very handy.
Posted by: TheQueen | October 29, 2011 at 12:35 AM