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October 31, 2011



After just making a super-serious comment on the post below, let me also raise my voice as one who was damaged GREATLY by this friggin' song. I didn't watch the video.

GIVE that chicken fat back to the chicken,
GI-IVE that chicken fat back to the hen!

I totally want to curl up in a ball, now.


Have you seen Victor/Victoria? He is so twinkly and awesome in it it's ridiculous. LOVE Robert Preston.


Ah the chicken fat years. Never upset me. Great nostalgia, and yes I was fatish in highschool.


Oh my GOD I remember that song ...


I suppose the decade after "Music Man" would have been the guy who played LSD in "The Producers."


Tami - I think this song turned me against exercise. The fucking cheeriness. I might go to aerobics if there was a depressed instructor. "March. March ... just keep doing it until I tell you not to. Or not, whatever."
Angie - I've never seen it. That'll be good for when the TiVo is clear
Zayrina - All the kids in my class boooed when that record came on!
RockyCat - I am sorry.
Becs - Well, Dick Shawn http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0790071/
did have a twinkle, but he was no Robert Preston.


This is the first time I've heard this song. It's no Shi-poopy.


Marcia - guess what we watched tonight? AGAIN. GUESS.

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