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October 24, 2011



There's a hair in your fortune cookie.


I have a pet peeve now. If it said, "You will strengthen your health by eating fruits and vegetables in the future", *that* would be a fortune. This is just nagging.


You want strong health, don't you? What's the use of weak health?


This almost fails the "between the sheets" game.


Zayrina - I took the photo on the way to work after I cleaned out my purse. Must have come off my comb. I figured it would leave an air of cinema verite.
Tami - Like when I got Cristmas crackers and instead of a joke inside they had facts like "A homburg is a type of hat."
Hattie -Some people do enjoy ill health. Becs - I've always heard "in bed." Regional?


Queen - Yes, I first heard this from Fezziwig, who is a Brit.


Becs - interesting. "Between the sheets" has British delicacy to it.

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