...like baby steps, only smaller.
There are these jeans neither Gary and I can wear, so they are bound for the giveaway bag in the foyer closet.
Two days ago I moved them from the bed room to the hall outside the bedroom.
Last night they went from the hall to a chair outside the foyer.
It's a fairly small house, 1400 square feet. Not like I'm accomplishing a lot. Still, it makes me feel good. Better even than putting the jeans away in one step.
Next I'll be breaking it down into a to do list and scratching things off. Maybe I should call them blastocyst steps.
Mitochondrial DNA steps?
Posted by: allison | October 12, 2011 at 08:42 PM
what size are they?
Posted by: Marcia | October 12, 2011 at 08:51 PM
Allison - individual gene steps!
Marcia - huge. Thanks for asking. Too small for us.
Posted by: TheQueen | October 12, 2011 at 11:39 PM