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October 15, 2011



oh dear. If it makes you feel better, I just choked on phlegm, coughed and peed a little from reading this. Of course, I've had bronchitis, and I've found coughing and peeing are uniquely tied together.


Yeah. I might just have snorted and peed a bit too.


Jenny - especially if you are on any cough medicine. I'm surprised my bladder doesn't just slide right out when I'm on cough medicine.
Magpie - work your kegels.


OK, I read the wikipedia article. Sitting for defecation is "unnatural"? I will NOT imagine standing for that.


Tami - Ha! Yes! The PT mentioned that, and then she also said our culture is the only one that makes you have a baby lying on your back.


Okay- "Barium and carrion" made me laugh out loud at work and is completely unexplainable- not where it came from but why it made me laugh so loud. I have no idea, but it's still making me giggle.


elisabeth - It's okay. Carry on. (Carrion - ha!)

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