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February 24, 2011


Friend #8

Sending you a virtual hug - hope you feel better soon.


Ruh-roh. I heard there's something going around - get well soon.


Friend #8 - Thank you! Hope YOU are well.
Rocky Cat - Well, if it involves LOTS of burping and coughing, I have it.


It involves lots of burping and coughing? Have you had wildly fluctuating temperatures out there, like we have here? Lots of burping is always a danger sign for me that the post nasal drip is out of control, and needs to be medicated, post-haste.


Tami - Burping, for me, is a way to get past nausea. Temperature has been crazy since I've been on the immuno-suppresant but yesterday it sank to a new low, 96.9, but not over 99.9. Today the correct answer is Body Aches. Body Aches.


Ooh, poor flu-ridden Ellen! I forget you have immuno-suppressants going on. I just have allergies and a poorly functioning lymphatic system.

To each their own (disability), right?


Tami - I don't think I have the flu, really. I've been able to control the nausea most of the time. And today's correct answer is sleeping 10:45 till 2:45, so no complaints there.

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