Saturday was the niece and nephew's birthday dinner at the in-laws. We arrived starving. Not much on the table yet, just seven devilled eggs by the paper plates and plastic cups and forks. I wasn't hungry enough to eat devilled eggs, so I waited till the real food was out.
The real food was: vegetarian potato casserole, cornbread casserole, pasta salad, and chicken tetrazzini. The desserts were on the sideboard. Cocunut cream pie, lemon cake, and oreo cookie ice cream cake.
Various topics were discussed. Wilma copped to absent-mindedly putting a devilled egg in someone's cup before dinner because she was distracted. Sandy confirmed I do stick my tongue out when I take a bite. I suggested my niece just watch the last two seasons of Frasier on Hulu, since we didn't buy them for her birthday, and she pouted.
(She is from the gatherer tribe of the in-laws, while Gary is from the hunter tribe. The rest of Gary's family likes their movies and TV in DVD format. Gary, on the other hand, gets excited when he can "catch" a movie on TV. Gary will cry, "Look! It's The Matrix! The first one FROM THE BEGINNING!" I point at his DVD of the Matrix Trilogy that he rarely watches. "But - no - it's RIGHT HERE on TV!")
Anyway. We were finishing up, and Karen said, "Uh-oh. Why is there an eyelash on my plate?"
I thought, are you worried your lashes are falling out? Is there eyelash cancer? Sandy was worried she had throat cancer because she coughed. I quote: *Cough* "Oh no, I'm coughing, I hope I don't have cancer."
But no, someone else found an eyelash on the tablecloth, and it was no where near Karen. We began looking closely at each other's eyes when someone solved the mystery. Can you?
UPDATED: Seriously? People! Here's a hint
It wasn't an eyelash it was a piece of burnt coconut from the pie?
Posted by: Zayrina | January 18, 2011 at 03:18 AM
Due to a disruption of the real-time/cinematic continuum, you found yourselves in "Gattaca"?
Posted by: Becs | January 18, 2011 at 04:55 AM
No. But my husband's the same with catching movies on TV. Although in his defense, we don't actually own all the Planet of the Apes movies on DVD.
Posted by: allison | January 18, 2011 at 01:02 PM
It's like the Puzzler on CarTalk! It was really some weird ash from the birthday candles. And I would rather watch something on Instant Watch than the DVD I received in the mail from Netflix. Which is very inefficient.
Posted by: Wendy | January 18, 2011 at 08:07 PM
Zayrina - No! But excellent guess!
Becs - Oh! Thanks for reminding me of that movie! I liked that one.
Allison - Well, my brother does own them all. In the special box.
Wendy - No! But thanks for playing! Yeah, and the Netflix is there and as such is undesirable. It's so easy to take for granted, like, dunno, a wife.
Posted by: TheQueen | January 18, 2011 at 10:35 PM
I find chihuahua hairs on everything I own. If it's light-colored, the hairs are black. If it's black, the hairs are light-colored.
I miss having a cat, but I don't miss being covered in cat fur.
(This is my way of saying that I got the hint you so kindly provided)
Posted by: Tami | January 19, 2011 at 08:03 AM
That's hilarious! We have an Admin Asst here who brings in baked goods periodically and they always have cat hair in them. I don't think I ever have dog hair in what I bring in....But what if no-one ever mentions it?
Posted by: Amy_in_Stl | January 19, 2011 at 10:54 AM
One step in my recipe for Welsh cookies is the line, "Pick out any visible cat hairs".
Posted by: ~~Silk | January 19, 2011 at 11:40 AM
Great. Now that is burned on my retina.
My mother won't eat anything that has been in my house. I have 5 cats.
Posted by: Wendy | January 19, 2011 at 07:03 PM
Tami - That is a cruelly colored chihuahua.
Amy_in_StL - I worked with someone who brought in cupcakes dotted with mouse feces after she left them out in the garage. No one mentioned it to her.
~~Silk - Hah! It's fiber.
Wemdy - Sorry. I considered blurring out the nipples. And I'm sorry about your mother. That must hurt.
Posted by: TheQueen | January 20, 2011 at 12:20 AM