Party in the house! DONNER party, that is.
But before we eat each other, we can eat chicken broth, frozen peaches, and green beans. The Sinus mask in the upper right is not edible.
As you can see, we're in the last days of our grocery phase. The rat-roasting, pancakes for dinner phase.
That's a big bowl of soup in the bottom left. Nothing in the drawers. No eggs either. We can't touch the two cans of dog food on top.
Corn ... lentils ... muffin mix and a box of quinoa against the wall.
It's kind of fun seeing what you can make out of available ingredients. Like last night, I had enough raspberry pie filling for half a pie, and went online to see if I could fill in with something besides frozen peaches. And there was a nice recipe for a sour cream - sugar baked pie topping.
However, if there had been a canned corn - oatmeal pie topping I would have made that instead. Another online hunt found me a quinoa - green bean - saffron - chicken dish, and I have all those things.
So, that leaves me with oatmeal, bread, a pie crust, lentils, cream, quinoa, corn, jiffy mix, beef bouillon, and a small onion. And peaches. What can I make without visiting the store again?
Dare I ask how old those chicken tenderloins are?
I have a package of stew beef I should donate to the Smithsonian.
Posted by: Becs | January 24, 2011 at 04:48 AM
ooft. painted on wall paper. when we moved in we had wallpaper on wall paper and painted on wall paper. but our house was built in 1982.
i think you might have to pay people to remove things. or, build that cost into the selling price.
either way, Mr. Hall says, "selling a house is like prison sex, and not the good kind."
Posted by: Mrs. Hall | January 24, 2011 at 07:04 AM
I'd do a creamed lentil soup with the onion, bouillon, lentils, corn, and cream. I'd serve it with muffins, but you're out of eggs, so I'd go with the bread, probably toasted.
If the chicken's still good, I'd chop it up and cook it with the onions before adding the soup stuff to the pot.
For dessert I'd make oatmeal, and add sugar, cream, triple sec, and thawed peaches, and I'd call it oatmeal pudding. I accept that I'm a little strange when it comes to dessert.
Posted by: Tami | January 24, 2011 at 10:18 AM
The Donner party originated from here in Springfield. Sometimes it seems their descendent's are still around here.
The tenderloins do have a bit of a dark hue to them, it appears........
Posted by: Benchmark | January 24, 2011 at 09:15 PM
Becs - no, they were in the freezer, so they were fresh. Of course, I didn't look closely in the lime juice I marinated them in. It was lime juice mixer for cocktails, and it had sugar. Awful. Spat them out. Had to feed them to the devil.
Mrs hall - I'll be keeping track of everything I spend on the house.
Tami - Moot. Gary went to the store and got fried chicken. Woot.
Benchmark - No... really. Then again, maybe it wasnt the lime juice.
Posted by: TheQueen | January 24, 2011 at 11:10 PM
Wait. Go back to the freezer. Was that, dare I say it, ice I saw in there?
Posted by: Hot Mom | January 25, 2011 at 08:54 PM
Hot Mom - yes, and I thought of you when making it. But since it isn't being used, it's sublimating away.
Posted by: TheQueen | January 26, 2011 at 12:45 AM