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December 15, 2010





I have a high-def TiVo and cable cards. I don't know what the hell you're talking about with Motorola switch boxes.

I am so so so glad that Mac is home with you, sans tumor. Sitting on the couch with the dog watching a cable show on my Tivo is *exactly* what I did last night.


Becs - Of course, the dog felt well enough today to move, and thus to bleed. but the cable is great.
Tami - It's something to do about Digital Channel Switching(?). In order to free up bandwidth if you aren't currently watching a channel Charter disables it, and when you switch to that channel it disables some other channel and swaps in the one you want. And the box does that.


Wonderful news!


Jammies - I was gobsmacked. I kept thinking of you.

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