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December 20, 2010



You inspired me to do a full-on blog post about the weekend baking with a recipe, even. Thanks!
The cupcakes went over very well at the party I brought them to.


It actually sounds like a great idea to place a candy bar in a cupcake. It will add a nice tasty surprise.


A large part of me wishes that Beck and Hannity were comedians and that everyone saw their humor. Sadly, I don't think they are. I think they're serious, serious, nutjobs.


I thought the other week of sending you the fave Philly treat, Tasty-Kake little pies for you to back in a cake. Want some?


I do love a good pumpkin pie! I think I would discard all the stuff around it and just go for the pie!
Do watch Chris Hayes when he subs for Olbermann. I had the chance to discuss things with him on the Nation Magazine cruise I took. This was a piece of luck one would not expect to happen to a peon such as I. He's a seriously special person. I thought he did one of his best programs ever yesterday.


Tami - Even without crust?
SML - As long as it didn't warp the texture of the candy. The Ferraro Rocher in a cupcake intrigued me. Or would it get soggy?
Amy_in_StL - But ... maybe not! And it might be hilarious!
Becs - I think we might have TastyKakes?
Hattie - Now, is he the one subbing this week, or is he the one from "On the Bus with George?" Because I don't trust THAT guy after the documentary.


Crust in a cake is a waste of crust. I have stated that this is my position more than once. It's like pasta on pizza -I hate the person who invented that.

Hate. Them.

Without the crusts, they were more like a traditional cream-filled cupcake, except that the cream was pumpkin pie, and ohmygod does that rock.


I keep imagining that picture with a miniature peanut butter cup in instead of pumpkin pie. That dessert would be heaven.


Tami - Well, the flaky Pet-Ritz pie crust would be a waste, but the more substantial Pillsbury crust would hold up. Where do you even get pasta pizza?
Caroline - Chocolate cupcake and a peanut butter frosting with a Reeses inside. You make cupcakes for school don't you? And parties?

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