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December 18, 2010



I always remember that scene in Biloxi Blues when I think of military life before Don't Ask Don't Tell, where they come and pull the guy out of lineup because the guy he was in the shower with ratted him out. I too thought DADT was so much better. People once thought that women shouldn't serve in the military either, or blacks, or Japanese, and someday maybe society will have evolved to the point that all people are equal. Maybe in my lifetime. I have hope.

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net

sing it! it's a nice thought to wish that progress traveled in a straight line and any progressive president should be able to just walk right in and right all the wrongs with a sweep of his (or her) pen - but that's pretty unrealistic. two steps forward, one step back is still progress - we need to own that, and celebrate it.


Well said! And a very good reminder for us all.


Amen, Sistah.

I really wish people, (fellow liberals like myself), would just lighten up and understand he can't change the world overnight.



Jenny - I hope so too.
Judy Schwartz Haley - Baby steps are still steps, but it is hard when the rest of the world is up and walking.
Wyo - Still no progress on immigration though. At least not this weekend.
SurprisingWoman - Like Bill Mahr and Jon Stewart.

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