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December 13, 2010



My vote is, a Newfoundland dog with mange.


Miniature horse? Pony? OMG UNICORN??!!!!!

Oh wait, you said no horns.


I'm guessing it was a pony that someone was hiding for Xmas but when the groomer came to do it's (chest) hair before the big day; it got out and is now roaming the neighborhood.


Unicorn with a retractable horn!

Please inform Gary that not all Republicans are rich (see: my house), Republicans have no particular fascination with reindeer, and Republicans would have insisted the reindeer work at a petting zoo rather than steal from the gardens of neighbors.


Becs-at first when he said "mane" I thought it was "mange."
Rockycat - a cross between a mule and a unicorn? A unimule? They are sterile so they wouldn't have horns.
Amy in stl-could be a mini pony. I didn't know they were pony-scaped.
Caroline- I know you aren't one of those tea party reindeer enslaving republicans. Gary just gets worked and I'd rather it's directed at republicans and not me.

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