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August 07, 2010


Hot Mom


I liked my definition better.


I'm totally trying that.


Ha! Gary tosses American Nutritionists over his mighty shoulders! "One to two pound loss per week" be damned.


Hot Mom - I've been chastised today for making a soup of chicken broth carrots and celery and onions. Soup shows too much interst in food.
Allison - I do not recommend it.
Becs - Gary's already lost his gallbladder, which is what happens when you lose weight too fast.


That's an appalling scheme. I was expecting 6 bites of chocolate mousse here, 6 of macadamia nuts there, 6 of lobster thermidor...

Gary can stick his diet.


Big Dot - Well, we could arrange things so we are thrown into situations in which lobster thermidor is forced upon us ...


OMG! But what about cocktails? I mean technically they aren't a bite of anything? I'm sure he lost weight; but I'll bet I'd pass out at the gym (I work out twice a week with a personal trainer who won't let me quit (GOD LOVE HIM))


Amy_in_Stl- NO DRINKS NO DRINKS EVER EVER. Gary rarely drinks anything but Diet Dr Pepper anyway.

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