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June 09, 2010



When I was in high school, I worked with that guy Brian (he of the AIDs injection) at McDonald's. A friend of mine (back then) dated him, but some of us always knew he was a little "off". I never liked the look in his eye.


Also, if I'd been at this macabre meeting, I would have added Dennis Bullock to the list (the dude who burned his wife to death in their Ballwin garage) and eventually went to prison for arson. And, arson only.


You forgot Jeffrey Dahmer. Or would he have been too gruesome for lunch?


Ooh - my chemistry lab partner in high school killed his boss at the gas station with a shot gun. He did it because his girlfriend, who happened to be his boss' wife, told him to. His story was on "Hard Copy", a trashy "news" show that used to be on the Fox network.

Unless it's still on. I admit that I don't know.

But yes, karma should really deal with *all* those people already.


Nice. Sort of a Paris salon/star chamber thing?


Oh, god. The most appalling thing from that last linked story is that I can read this paragraph:

"Mr Murphy had tried to show that the boy could have contracted the virus from other sources, including intravenous drug abusers and convicted child molesters who shared the mother's home from time to time."

and still understand why it's evidently better for the child to reside with his mother than with his father. Oh, dear.


When I lived in Florida, I got obsessed with the abduction of Regina Mae Armstrong, a little girl of about six. Eventually, her body was discovered but years went by until an old bastid admitted he'd killed her. And then he promptly died of anal cancer.


A man stabbed his wife to death in full view of dozens of people in downtown Hilo, Hawaii. He got a charge of second degree murder. All he has to do is find god and repent and he'll be released and back out on the streets; that's how it works around here.


Christy - at my second real job I taught with a man whose wife was on the DB jury while we worked together. Turned out the jury was hung, and thought a hung jury mistrial meant he'd never get a trial again because of double jeopardy. But Dennis get get the max (20 years) for some gun violation the next year. I guess that means he's out soon?
Magpie - Ugh! But then again, he didn't kill family. So, points off for that.
Tami - Hard Copy was taken down when George Clooney and his friends boycotted it.
Allison- well, I think I remember J Alfred Prufrock was supposed to be at a tea party, but salon works well too.

Elsa - ask Christy, she knows him.
Becs - Good.I think it's nice Natalie Holloway sort of got revenge, references to her on the internet caused suspicions in the Peru girl, so he killed Peru girl, now Natalie's body will be found.
Hattie - sounds like it's about the same in Peru.

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