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June 07, 2010



Man all those cute white guys and that one cute black guy. MMMMm mmmm! Emo but nice.
I'm so cool for an old unfrozen white woman, don't you think?
And is the plane crashing or has it just hit turbulence?

Mrs. Hall

MRREEEEERRRRRR!! i have seen about 20 minutes of bacholerret.

i'm not spell checking, the dang show isn't worth it.

don't get me started on my IRE.

all these men lining up for some chick that QUIT HER JOB, SOLD HER APARTMENT AND LEFT IT ALL BEHIND for some stupid show that in 20 years has only produced ONE FREAKING SUSTAINABLE MARRIAGE?

girl is dumb.

freaking match.com or eharmony.com people.


and that's all i got.


Hattie - Plane is in chaos because someone in a suit (Steven P surrogate) decided to run instead of sit quietly on the plane. Or, a moral: do not run in planes.
Mrs hall - I too, have only seen 20 minutes, the 20 minutes BNL was in during this episode. (Fan reaction has been virulent.)


OK, if someone offered me money to perform music on "The Bachelorette", I'd do it, but that doesn't mean that I'm happy the show exists at all. It just means that I'm a money-hungry pragmatist. I suppose it also means that I have no fear of performing in front of huge audiences, now that I think about it.

And hey, if I had a shirt that fit for 10 years in a row that hadn't fallen apart, I'd probably keep wearing it, too.


Tami - I think Ed has said before, "Some call it 'selling out to The Man,' but The Man, he pays well."


And Ed has his own *replacement* plane for the one he wrecked. QED.

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