Here's what really bothers me about Ligit searches: Spunky Labia International Toe Porn superstar has only a tenuous hold on the top three Ligit searches on my own blog, now that the Penis Painter is back at the easel.
Now, google searches fall into four categories.
People who don't click through when I obviously have the perfect answer.
eileen fisher fat women - Perfect combo. You can buy a little scrap of silk tank from Eileen for $199. You COULD get a tank in a similar color at Target, but it will not have the "shape we love: shaped at the bust, easy at the hem." Ask me anything about being a fat woman in Eileen Fisher. How could you not click my link?
inlaws do no mention my deceased dad at first easter dinner prayer - Talk to me about inlaws and Easter and prayers and deceased parents. I would have chucked a ham at them. I hope you did.
lobster vomit - I HAVE VIDEO. Video of lobsters vomiting! Why so standoffish?
People who visit and quickly discover I am not what they are looking for.
how bubblegum is made instructions from cookbook - this was was a hot trend. I don't have any idea how to do this, but I'm damn sure you throw the pot away after.
congested vagina - lady with the congested vagina, I am sorry. Mine just ended up being a yeast infection.
My long-abandoned blog still gets hits from someone searching for "emo party."
Posted by: Kathy | April 30, 2010 at 09:19 AM
But maybe you've been minipulating boars?
Posted by: magpie | April 30, 2010 at 09:51 AM
This makes me want to come up with unique ways to end up with your blog in the search results. If I had a little more free time; I'd be all over it. Come to think of it, tonight after happy hour and some beer... I might be.
Posted by: Amy_in_Stl | April 30, 2010 at 01:38 PM
Kathy - There's still some 15 year old emo kid with a mother who thows him birthday parties.
Magpie - Or Boers.
Amy_in_Stl - nope, not worth it. Drink free of direction.
Posted by: TheQueen | May 02, 2010 at 12:08 AM