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April 08, 2010



You need to recruit co-conspirators. That could be EPIC.


Why did I not see this?? I'd been there since 6:00 a.m.! Oh, wait. I now recall the commotion and laughter from both Steve and Joy. Damn. I wondered what that was.




Why was Joy's computer not locked? Tsk, tsk! You should've emailed Jim about your wonderful co-worker Ellen.


Sherri - That would be epic. And as such, probably frowned upon. Caroline and Libby did strew liquor bottles all over a coworkers cube once, that was epic.
3 - Nope, not from Joy, she was headed for that stupid meeting.
Hattie - Adorable!
Caroline - No, I am flying low. Jim doesn't need to know I exist. In fact, I had to think a little to remember Jimmy-boy's last name.

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