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March 31, 2010


Rachel From The Cruise

Ellen-- happy BNL day again! I'm glad to see that you still like the actual CD and the liner notes- I do too! I sometimes catch some flack for that. I'm sorry you were pouty and in numberland-- I was a little pouty yesterday because of work and all these bonus tracks that come from different places. Not that I won't- but how many times do I need to purchase this album? : ) Here's to a number free/tax free weekend. . . .


I... haven't listened to it, yet. I was busy as all get out on Tuesday when it arrived because of Passover, and yesterday I was ill, and then when I finally felt better and the boyfriend came over, he hadn't heard A Singer Must Die yet, and I knew he'd love it...

Long story short: I have the digital download copy with the bonus track *and* the physical copy, and neither one has been listened to. I am a bad fan.


Rachel didn't tell you that her boss let her come into work late on Tuesday so that she could go to Best Buy before work and buy the album :-)


Rachel - Evidently I have purchased this album seven times. Not kidding.
Tami - I'd like some Choruses with more depth.
I've only heard in three times.
Christy - Best boss ever!

Rachel from the cruise

Ellen- you crack me up (and you brightened my day!) I'm glad we are in the same boat. And yes, I pretty much love to work at a place that supports my musical obsessions and traditions. A second reason to love Christy--- when I first started there and she saw a picture of Ed in my office, she asked, "Is that your husband?" Of course I answered, "Yes, but he's married and lives in Toronto" But the fact that it might even be possible in her mind was enough to make me love her forever!


Rachel - my work mocks my musical obsession. It might be because TeddyJ has a strong Canadian connection, and they mock their own?

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