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March 29, 2010



lol. That just MIGHT BE my middle of the night tweet. I am rejecting pain meds, including Ibuprofen. Yes, I'm crazy.
I didn't update for a while, because I figured people were tired of hearing, "no contractions, still leaking". That gets old right?

BTW, No contractions. Still leaking. Just how many bags of Kotex is this gonna take?! SHITTTTT.


Andria - Congrats on the Perfect Homebaked Tweetus! How did you have such a clean baby?


I missed all of this!


@Andria - Gurlfren - I don't know you. I am not a mom. But if your water broke and you're still not in labor, aren't you putting your baby at risk for infection?

Go to the hospital, for crying out loud!

@QM - Can hardly wait until someone tweets during a root canal. Frankly, it'll be just about as entertaining.


Becs - You have 24 hours after your water breaks before they really get concerned.

Andria - So... Boy? Girl? Name? My water started leaking at the hospital with my first and I got in a big argument with the nurse over what exactly was leaking. When it gushed all over her a few minutes later I felt vindicated.

Queen - Hi! I should really address you while I'm busy commenting.


Magpie - What? Were you having a life?
Becs - Ed from BNL tried to tweet during his MRI today, but it was a failure.
Caroline - s'okay. Talk amongst yourselves.


Thanks for sharing. Really. I am so glad I did that number long ago. No tweets immortalized the birth of my children. No photos, no videos either. Thank god.


Hattie - If I went that way I'd have skipped the video too.

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