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February 08, 2010



As perverse as it sounds,you're lucky to have this. When my mom died, I gave away her cheap QVC jewelry and amazing amounts of clothes with the tags still on, including my gifts to her. I imagine in my files, I have birthday cards from her, bearing only her signature. Now there's a legacy.


We've not tackled anything, anything at my mother's house. It scares me.

Oh, and I love Henry Mitchell. So divine.


I remember the 2nd anniversary of dad's death was harder than the first. Then it got easier.
Now working on this other thing that's way harder than THAT. Cried today after seeing some husband-type happily twirling his shiny pink Victoria's Secret bag. Oh honey I swear I will never laugh at your Valentine's day gift ever again! What? Too late? Shit.
Thinking of you and your mom, though.


Becs - You are right. It's nice to have a Mom worth missing.
Magpie - I was just thinking today that you had everything cleared out! Such a relief.
Gaoo - I'm thinking of you right back.

mrs. hall

so, if i keep blogging until i die, and I expect to live until i am 120 years old, my kids will never run out of stuff to read.

good deal!

o and btw, i totally agree with the Queen Mum . . an affair is meaningful and only TWO people can repair a marriage. Good for her for sticking up for herself and good for her for guarding against the technical parent's interference!!

and go you Ellen!! :)


Mrs hall - seriously, start annotating your books now. Thats the best.

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