MS, number ONE? ("We're Number One!" the lesions sing. "MS rules! Neurons drool!")
Steven Page number two, which, okay, he's been working hard, but, but, higher ranking than Spunky?
How can Spunky's followers turn on her?
I can only imagine it's Spunky's association with the extended Labia family. Sure, Spunky L. is an international Toe Porn Superstar, but is still embarrassed by the Holey of Holies, by the Weeping Labia.
So, let's look in Ligit at the recent readers. Someone in Sydney, New South Wales, AU
searched for "iron lung bondage video." That's not right. Iron lungs were long gone by the time we had videos. That's an anachronism.
Finally, Twitter. One joseflorsf began following me on twitter, which was only odd because I don't speak Portuguese, and Jose does. With the help of Babelfish I found that Jose doesn't say too much other than, "Goodnight" and "Happy Sunday." My mystery Twitter followers usually say "sup fellas, im single again. hit me up."
Then I looked at who Jose was following and it was all women. Look, I'm fifth from the right. Then I saw AThousandDreams in the next row. Evidently Jose is a portuguese BNL fan.
There's another BNL fan in the mix...second row from the bottom, second from the left. I can't remember her usernames, but I think her real name is Clair(e).
Posted by: Melissa | August 31, 2009 at 09:52 AM
Oops, wrong row. Two spots below Thousand Dreams.
Posted by: Melissa | August 31, 2009 at 09:53 AM
i love all of the headshots
Posted by: Keri | August 31, 2009 at 10:45 AM
Melissa - Yep, I saw her. Did you see Janet Jackson?
Keri - Did you know SpunkyLabia is now on twitter?
Posted by: TheQueen | August 31, 2009 at 10:32 PM