It all started with this sign:
Does the phrasing of these grocery signs not imply there is an assumed contract that one only gets the deal if one purchases ten packages? The sign does not say, "Each package is a dollar." The cashier usually gathers them up so they can ring them up together, and you know they count them. Usually the signs expect me to do hard math, like 15 for $12, and I have no idea if that's a good deal.
So I bought my required ten packages and went up to the self-serve checkout, where I rang up the first package of blackberries.
"1 @ $1.00," said the screen.
Wha? I thought, how does the machine even know I bought all ten packages? It's like - It's like they're just one for a dollar! Still, I thought, someone might stop me at the door and make me pay a surcharge. Better to get all ten.
When Gary saw the ten packages of blackberries on the counter, he squawked, "TEN packages! We'll never eat TEN packages! What made you buy -"
"They were ten for ten dollars."
"Ellen, you KNOW you don't HAVE to buy all ten."
Well, no, thank you, I didn't really know that (though I have long suspected.) Of course when faced with 60 ounces of blackberries Gary immediately found blackberries very off-putting, so instead of letting them rot I made a pie. A ten-dollar pie. Which, six hours later is half-gone. That's five ounces per hour at 85 cents an hour. Maybe. I have no idea. But, pie!
Blackberry pie is a beautiful thing. Be not ashamed.
Posted by: Becs | July 19, 2009 at 05:16 AM
Hey, I saw that sign the other day. I bought two packages.
I passed on the 2 pound box of blueberries next to it, despite the great deal, because we already had almost a pound at home. My daughter polished those off so fast that I think I will go back for the Costco sized vat after all.
Posted by: Caroline | July 19, 2009 at 08:57 AM
If it makes you feel any better, blackberries were going for $6-7 per pint at the Tower Grove Farmer's Market yesterday. You got a steal.
Posted by: Christy | July 19, 2009 at 12:07 PM
You should sell the pies at $10! :)
Posted by: #0.75 | July 19, 2009 at 01:19 PM
K-Dawg make wine from blackberries that is fabulous! Maybe next time...
Posted by: SurprisingWoman | July 20, 2009 at 10:31 AM
Those stores are tricky, you know! Some of them make you buy 10 of something to get the deal , some don't. Some sales are tricky within the regular rules, too. It's a nasty business! Good thing to know though, is that you can buy berries, wash them up and freeze them in a bag and throw them into things all year long or until you run out.
Posted by: Judith | July 20, 2009 at 11:40 PM
Becs - It is pretty.
Caroline - Refrigerate them. They spoil.
Christy - That's good to know. I'm a bad Saint Louisan - I've never be to the FM.
.75 - But then, I would be losing money because of the sugar and crust.
SurprisingWoman - Oooh! They are still on sale. I could just take wine and smoosh up blackberries in it. I now have some "Sticky Chardonnay" - that would be good.
Judith - You have to thaw them fast! The one remaining slice of pie is spoiled.
Posted by: TheQueen | July 21, 2009 at 12:05 AM