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July 19, 2009



Blackberry pie is a beautiful thing. Be not ashamed.


Hey, I saw that sign the other day. I bought two packages.

I passed on the 2 pound box of blueberries next to it, despite the great deal, because we already had almost a pound at home. My daughter polished those off so fast that I think I will go back for the Costco sized vat after all.


If it makes you feel any better, blackberries were going for $6-7 per pint at the Tower Grove Farmer's Market yesterday. You got a steal.


You should sell the pies at $10! :)


K-Dawg make wine from blackberries that is fabulous! Maybe next time...


Those stores are tricky, you know! Some of them make you buy 10 of something to get the deal , some don't. Some sales are tricky within the regular rules, too. It's a nasty business! Good thing to know though, is that you can buy berries, wash them up and freeze them in a bag and throw them into things all year long or until you run out.


Becs - It is pretty.
Caroline - Refrigerate them. They spoil.
Christy - That's good to know. I'm a bad Saint Louisan - I've never be to the FM.
.75 - But then, I would be losing money because of the sugar and crust.
SurprisingWoman - Oooh! They are still on sale. I could just take wine and smoosh up blackberries in it. I now have some "Sticky Chardonnay" - that would be good.
Judith - You have to thaw them fast! The one remaining slice of pie is spoiled.

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