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July 20, 2009



This is why I'm such good friends with the people at my local Panera.


I think that's why fast food was invented.


That sounds like a major pain in the ass to end up with pea soup.


i do believe you're turning into a food blogger.

Or maybe you need to be a pastry chef, with concoctions like Baileys and watermelon tenderloin with a cream cheese fondant.


You need to check out Julia and Julia.


They sell quinoa at Costco now.

It's good stuff. I can't tell a huge difference from couscous.

Fusion sounds like a pain in the ass. I think I'll stick with southern.

Fusion sounds like something that would use sprouted pumpking seeds. ;)

Big Dot

Amaranth - sounds New Agey, trippy, Lord of the Ringsish. Probably a good thing you couldn't find it. Or did William Morris put it on his wallpaper?


Becs - Very wise. I think it's cheaper.
.75 - Or the Raw Food movement.
gaoo - As it turned out, I didn't actually end up with the pea soup. It's no longer here. See today's entry.
Magpie - Right now I have a pre-made pie crust in my freezer. I have all the ingedients!
Caroline - Yes I do. I miss Julia C.
SurprisingWoman - Catherine from sothathappened.typepad.com eats quinona all the time. So, like couscous, it's a butter and salt delivery system?
Big Dot - Might have. I keep thinking I should just go to a seed company and get the flower seeds.

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