Here's what a tornado warning looks like here:
Yes. The Tongue of TERROR! The dog curls his tongue, pants, shakes, burrows, paces and roams in thunderstorms. Oh, and he climbs on our heads and we wear him like a hat.
We recently saw a claim that one may wrap ones dog in a large Ace bandage and it will somehow provide comfort.
Someone on the Internet swore by this and said a small t-shirt worked as well.
So, that's why when we saw the tongue of terror, we battened the hatches and dressed the dog in a sweater.
This is the dog version of the scene in the Producers when Gene Wilder gets hysterical. "I'm hysterical! I'm hysterical!" (Zero Mostel throws water in his face.) "I'm wet! I'm hysterical and I'm wet!"
Mac says, "I'm hysterical and I'm in a sweater!" (Cameo by Spunky Labia (International Toe Porn Superstar.))
Then we started to notice Mac wasn't pacing or climbing or burrowing. He was shaking half as much as we'd expected with a tornado warning, and at one point he got under a table and napped a little. NAPPED. Not a complete cure-all, but a definite improvement.
UPDATE: This is all complete crap. It rained again last night and the dog was worse than ever before.
Well there you go. Wasn't there a thing in a recent Grey's where the odd surgeon had to be held? Maybe that's what we all need in anxious moments: pinning down.
Except when there's a tsunami roaring up the beach, of course.
Posted by: Big Dot | June 11, 2009 at 12:07 AM
We have the same warning system here. Only in the form of a 90lb lab. Which makes the whole wearing like a hat thing a tad more uncomfortable.
Posted by: Shania | June 11, 2009 at 06:39 AM
If that were a human infant, you'd call that swaddling.
Posted by: magpie | June 11, 2009 at 08:41 AM
OMG you are cracking me right up! Ant cupcakes! I thought they were only on the flowers to eat the wax off so the buds could open! I've never had one inside! But definitely I'm thinking of you every time I bring a peony inside, now!
Cute doggie! Off to see what you said about him!
Posted by: madmad | June 11, 2009 at 08:42 PM
Oh, see? It's like swaddling an infant!
Posted by: madmad | June 11, 2009 at 08:43 PM
Big Dot - Ooo! I loved that character, so much like me. Greys. Bringing the hemispheres together. And I hear the tornado envy in your tsunami one-upmanship.
Shania - Do you have a lab coat to go with your lab hat? HAHAHAHAHAHa. Yeah.
Magpie - I'd call that accidental death, because I'm sure I'd do it wrong somehow.
Madmad - (quietly to Madmad because no one else knows the comment I left on her post on her blog) Someday, sacrifice an open peony so you can spread the petals apart before they naturally fall off. You will see ants piled upon ants rolling on their backs and waving their legs in the air.
Posted by: TheQueen | June 11, 2009 at 11:44 PM
I'd say 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
Posted by: #0.75 | June 12, 2009 at 09:15 AM
I've done the TTouch wrap for my storm-phobe. I find that a dropperful of Rescue Remedy works just as well.
Posted by: Meredith | June 12, 2009 at 09:19 PM
Ha ha! You are so right! But I have to point out that the Civil Defence section our the Yellow Pages also has instructions for us in case of earthquake and/or volcanic eruption (essentially, we stay at home and have a barbie) (indoors, because of the ashes raining down) (and then we move into the garage when the house burns down).
Posted by: Big Dot | June 12, 2009 at 10:20 PM
I noticed the cameo before I read about it and wondered if you would say anything. How funny.
Sorry about your dog, but I am dying to know what you said on madman's blog now. I guess I have another to add to the list. . . .
Posted by: SurprisingWoman | June 13, 2009 at 01:06 AM
.75 - Well, it isn;t a cure-all, though, and thats what I was looking for.
Meredith - Well, I have no idea where to get rescue remedy, but Ace bandages were at Mom's. We'll see.
Big Dot - Yep, no volcanoes here, at least in the midwest.
Surprising woman - Diary of a mad mad housewife?
She puts cut peonies out and drapes scarves on them and bakes cupcakes next to them in posts ostensibly about scarves and cupcakes. I fear she doesn;t know and I leaves comments about "AAAAAANTS MY GOD DON'T YOU KNOW ANTS LIVE IN PEONIES"
Posted by: TheQueen | June 14, 2009 at 12:07 AM
I have no comments about the dog thing, but I did want to mention that I think my toenail polish is the same color as yours. Kind of light silver? My friend thought I was nuts yesterday when I chose that color.
Posted by: Melissa | June 14, 2009 at 11:13 AM
Melissa - nu-unh. Mine is a soft spring green. With a red flower and a diamond in the center, and some silver accents.
Posted by: TheQueen | June 15, 2009 at 12:47 AM
Wow, the color is really off on my monitor!!
Posted by: Melissa | June 15, 2009 at 08:42 AM
Melissa - could be the light.
Posted by: TheQueen | June 15, 2009 at 08:00 PM