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June 05, 2009



I'm Category 64: Unrated

I feel so lame.


Hot Mom has a twitter account?


Haha my blog is

Category 15:
Business and Economy
Category 14:



Had the forest mushroom soup and the Asiago Beef sandwich at Panera's last night -- they were out of the chocolate duet cookies, though, much to my husband's heartbreak.

I remember some 10 years ago (gah) when the first Panera's opened in Winter Park, right in front of Rollins College where I was working on my degree, and my best friend and I ate there and studied there two or three times a week. Chicken and Wild Rice soup in a breadbowl. Cobblestones! Even salads on occasion. Pure Bliss.

But, tonight...turkey pastrami sushi.

Erin G.

Panera is awesome? Really? i had my first experience with The Panera a couple months ago while visiting a friend in NJ. I was really underwhelmed by my chocolate crossiant.


I'm not sure whether to offer congratulations or condolences on your new rating. How about thoughts?

floating princess

We don't have Panera here, but I've heard it's awesome. Mine came up unrated. I'm flying under the Panera radar.


Congrats! You are now approved by Panera. I'm sitting here with my cinnamon crunch bagel and ginger peach tea.

Their chocolate croissant does leave much to be desired, especially since they expect you to heat it in the microwave. The horror...the horror.


Magpie - I like floating princesses interpretation - "flying under the Panera radar."
.75 - No - it was From the Dark Side's twitter. Or she might be Mare now.
Rebecca - I found someone who was "games." For no reason at all.
Sherri - Turkey Pastrmi sushi sounds like something that should be marked as unclean by a middle-eastern religion.
Erin G - first, as Becs said, you have to heat it in the microwave, and it isnt a choclate croissant anymore, is it? It's a chocolate "pastry." Seriously, get the Asiago Cheese bagel or a Duet cookie.
Caroline - I was glad to be porn, but I dont want to inconvenience anyone.
floating princess - When I saw some of you were "unrated" I thought of sexy foreign films.
Becs - I was going to suggest heating it in the microwave. Do they have gooey butter cake poasry there or is it just StL?


You know I have no clue what you're talking about right?


.75 - I keep forgetting all my facebook "friends" don't know each other...


I had so much to say and then I got to the part where you checked my blog (that I haven't written on in months...perhaps I should now). I wasn't expecting that...I totally just laughed and then blushed!!! What the heck?! I wonder what the adult/mature content on my blog is...now I have to finish reading your post. Hee hee.


Do you have a twitter account? Why am I not following you?


Autumn - LNSchmidt (say it out loud; you'll get it). Yeah, I couldn't find anything adult on yours. What the hey?

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