Last year, the big internet sensation from Britain's Got Talent was Paul Potts, the cellphone salesman who sang opera. If you didn't see it last year, go see Paul Pott's performance. Or, if you really liked Susan Boyle, this year's big internet sensation, go see Paul Potts, because it's the same story.
It's a good story, don't get me wrong. It has the average looking protagonist, no one expects anything out of him or her, and then to our amazement beautiful music comes out of our hero's mouth and we cry.
I cried at both of them, but not because of the singing, or the joy of humanity, or any other reason than: those are fabulous songs they sang. You could have Dick Cheney sing those songs and as long as he could hit the notes I'd probably cry.
I'd point to the lyrics, but I never knew what the lyrics meant to Nessun Dorma meant until I looked it up today. Now of course I want to learn Italian so I can follow opera.
(An aside, speaking of new skills, today I began learning to finger-pick my guitar. And why? Because last night I had a dream in which I learned to finger-pick my guitar. Very helpful to have my subconscious make my plans for me. I must remember to put myself in the path of various celebrities so they can offer themselves to me.)
Also, who wouldn't cry at these lyrics, though I admit they sound better coming from a 47 year old than from Dick Cheney:
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living,
So different now from what it seemed...
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed...
I'm not sure, but I think the rules on BGT require you to perform a song, unlike AI, which tests your song choice in a lot of genres. So I say what we need now is a show with a variety of cellphone salesmen, spinster church volunteers, Clay Aikens and Dick Cheneys singing nothing but soaring Puccini and Andrew Lloyd Weber tunes. Then we can pick what song we like best, because that's the biggest appeal to me with both those performances.
Really? Now for me, it's not really the song, or even so much the voice - of course Potts* and Susan Boyle sing well, but then so do lots of people - but mainly the pleasurable shock of something so lovely coming out of such an ordinary-looking vessel. And the whole new life opening up. And of course, seeing Simon Cowell's sneer get wiped off his face.
*In his case, not even that great, actually - I got dragged to one of his concerts, and regretted it. If he'd looked more like Hugh Jackman, time would have gone faster.
Call me shallow.
Posted by: Big Dot | April 20, 2009 at 02:47 AM
Since I am a performer myself, so many people in my life have been asking me what I think of Susan Boyle and her voice. I have to agree with you, it's not so much her's the flighty judgements followed by the crow-eating that is so satisfying to the public. To have a bunch of people give you a cold shoulder upon initial visual inspection...and then to "show them up" with heart and ability?
Well...who doesn't want to have that delicious experience?
I think there's a "wee little Susan Boyle" inside all of us! (hee hee!)
Posted by: Erin G. | April 20, 2009 at 01:51 PM
Big Dot - The song. It's the song. No one ever gives the songwriter credit!
Erin G - Sigh. I see you are agreeing vociferously with Big Dot, not with me ... but that's okay ... ( *mutters it's the song, it's just a really great song*)
Posted by: TheQueen | April 20, 2009 at 09:07 PM
I'll take both sides. I was amazed by her voice coming out of such an unassuming person, but I've had the song stuck in my head ever since.
Posted by: Caroline | April 20, 2009 at 10:27 PM
Aw, Queen! Ok, ok! it's a great song and she does an admirable job with it.
I guess it doesn't resonate as deeply for me b/c I hear it so frequently in my line of work! When she opened her mouth, my reaction was, "Oh. I dreamed a dream. (shrug)"
But she is as cute as the dickens and I love the little butt wiggle she did on stage! THAT was awesome.
Posted by: Erin G. | April 21, 2009 at 03:16 PM
Caroline - Have your never heard Mama Cass?
Erin G - The butt wiggle horrified me! I saw myself in that butt wiggle.
Posted by: TheQueen | April 21, 2009 at 10:19 PM
By the way, BGT isn't just singing - have you seen this one?
(Best if you went through a Michael Flatley phase, as we did in this house.)
Posted by: Big Dot | April 24, 2009 at 09:07 PM
Big Dot - Adorable!
Posted by: TheQueen | April 25, 2009 at 08:05 PM
Dick Cheney? Seriously???
Posted by: Holly | April 26, 2009 at 04:55 PM
Holly (Hi Holly, fellow Queen, and welcome) - No.
Posted by: TheQueen | April 27, 2009 at 02:01 AM