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February 08, 2009


Big Dot

Getting leather-coloured Crocs fools no-one, you know. You might as well have gone the whole hog and got lime green - you're a Croc-wearer now, what does taste matter?


Big Dot - I will have you know, since they are recycled Crocs, the color is the mixture of the many colors of Croc. So essentially I am wearing many Crocs at once, for the good of mankind.

Big Dot

So you're actually wearing not only lime green, but orange, acid yellow, fluoro pink, turquoise and purple? And you think that makes it better???


Big Dot - as we all know by the example set by the current US president, Tiger Woods, Soledad O'Brien, and my neice, the most beautiful are the muti-colored.

Big Dot

Oh, well played, sir!


Nice job on the Crocs.. I won the first prize - the year of ice cream. Holy hell that's going to be a lot of ice cream. Out of curiosity, what size are your signed crocs?


Big Dot - It's a very American thing to say.
Emma - 2 pints a week, I'm guessing. Mine are M, just the right size. Of course it would be wrong to get Crocs and not wear them ever. They'll be my special concert Crocs.


No Sarah signature?


That's very cool. Even though I'm not a croc-wearer myself I'd still be thrilled with them. The fact that they're recycled makes them more appealing to me, but I'd probably still not wear them. Making them your special concert crocs is an excellent idea.
Is it a little creepy/sad that I know who belongs to each of the scribbles/autographs?


That is awesome! Congrats. Very, very cool.

I have lime green, blue, brown, black and a pair that is not recycled but looks like the same color in your photo. Love the toes. No wonder you get all the toe porn hits.

Marianna Scheffer

I have lime green Birkenstock plastic shoes. Top that for good taste!

Vince Gotera

Congrats! Though I don't think I'd wear them, even to a BNL concert. Some jerk could step on them and ruin one or more of the signatures. I would suggest putting them on the wall somehow, maybe on a special BNL shelf? Or maybe just wear them a little on the cruise but retire them forevermore afterward.


.75 - I sooooorrrrrryyyyyyy. She evidently was on vacation.
Kristie - Sigh - it would be really sad if you were 46 like I am.
Surprising Woman - My toes are hot. Look at those curves and planes. However, my toe porn hits are way down. They want the fresh new toes, I'm sure.
Hattie - Are they those garden wellies? MOM had those, and she is still the good taste standard.
Vince Gotera - I believe it is better to use and lose than not to have used at all. I use my china every year, I wear my good pearls. I'd risk the damage to the crocs to wear them.


It's even more sad, then, as I've just recently turned 48....


Kristie - Oh. That is sad. (Awkward pause) Well, it's not like we're ninety.

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