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February 10, 2009


Big Dot

Yeah, I've always thought how unfair it is when people lose a lot of weight and suddenly look old and wrinkled because the fat that ironed out the lines has gone.


Big Dot - I know - they look like wizened monkeys.

Big Dot

By the way, when my chicken purse comes, I'm going to call it my hen bag. (Works best if you say it in a Dame Edith Evans/Lady Bracknell accent.)


I've been saying this for years. ("Oh you don't look anywhere near XX years!" Me: "The fat irons out the wrinkles." Them: "Oh, don't talk that way about yourself." Me: (WTF?)


Big Dot - So, phoentically it'll be "eh hin big" - or am I thinking of the wrong actress?
Becs - Are you smiling wickedly when you say this? Otherwise, they are required to disagree with you.


Of course I'm smiling wickedly. I almost always smiling wickedly. I even have a permanent little crease next to my mouth to prove it. (I've heard them called wrinkles. I disagree...)


These kinds of studies always annoy me. How much money did they spend before they realized that fat fills out wrinkles and makes a person look younger? There's a reason I look like I'm in my 20s bitches! I WIN!


Big Dot

No, that's the one. I knew you'd know it.

I made a handbag cake for my daughter's 18th and brought it out, candles blazing, in a grand gesture and announced to all her (18 year-old, natch) friends, "It's a handbag!" in my best Lady Bracknell tones and they all just thought I was squiffy. Which I was, but also making a cultural reference...


Becs - Yes, those are called wicked lines.
Rayleen - Think of the money we save NOT injection fat into our wrinkles.
Big Dot - Looking up squiffy ...Ohh, yeah. That word is easy to use in a sentence.


Thanks, I really have enjoyed your cruise and I didn't have to spend anything or get naked.


PolymorphicGirl - Good! Are you sure you don't want a chicken purse now, though?

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