Well, I hate to tell you, but my fantasy life has stalled.
See, the problem is that I do have very detailed fantasy life. I could win a Best Screenplay Oscar for the careful plotting I put into my daydreams. Gary has to be disposed of, either by divorce, or if I'm feeling generous, death followed by a mourning period and convenient heartbreak weight loss. Sometimes I manipulate world events for my fantasy convenience. I can be quite creative.
So, this Steven Page scandal has really challenged my imagination. I just can't ignore it, it's a key plot point, and I don't have enough dramatic suspension of belief to work around it. I've tried to ignore it, turn on the iPod, have a listen and just try to go with just a musical montage, but it doesn't get me anywhere.
So, I figured I would just give myself a rest until inspiration struck, or new details come to light. And then my attention was drawn to this interchange between Wolf Blitzer (gray hair, I can work with that) and my dear Anderson Cooper (also gray, and gay, they say, but as an allegedly bi-woman I would not judge). Gloria Borger, Paul Begala and the almost gray-haired John King were there as well.
From the CNN Election Coverage Transcript
COOPER: ... I mean how much of the Republican convention is going to be about Barack Obama?
BORGER: A lot.
BEGALA: It was like spinal tap and the speaker could go to 11 instead of 10, everything they say ...
COOPER: By the way, if someone doesn't understand the reference of going to 11 they should rent the movie this is "Final Height."
[Ed. Sic. Sic Sic Sic. This is Spinal Tap. The closed captioning guy must have been tired.]
BLITZER: What was that band we saw when we got to the NBA All-Star game? That -- Barenaked Ladies. How good were they?
COOPER: Barenaked Ladies.
BLITZER: How good were Barenaked Ladies when you saw them --
COOPER: They made a song, the Wolf Blitzer song and they sang and that's why I think --
BLITZER: They were fabulous.
COOPER: They were very good.
BLITZER: They were terrific.
All right, we've got more secrets to divulge. That's going to be coming up; much more of our coverage coming up here at the Democratic National Convention.
And then who knows what they did during the break, because when they came back there was this:
COOPER: And it's nice to see that Wolf is still energized and invigorated with the band being silent for the last hour. I was fearful that as the midnight hour approached that you might sort of fade.
BLITZER: It was a terrific band. Great band.
KING: Are you going to reveal your secrets?
BLITZER: You know, I was in a band. I played --
BORGER: Oh, come on.
BLITZER: -- in high school, it was not a very good band.
COOPER: What was the name?
BLITZER: We were the Monkeys, before the real Monkeys, at Buffalo in New York and Wolf Blitzer was doing the keyboards, not very well, I didn't sing.
COOPER: You were rocking Buffalo, though.
BLITZER: We were a little bit. But I'd liked bands ever since.
COOPER: Not too loud. Just a little.
BORGER: We're going to make him do it back at the grill, at the CNN grill.
BLITZER: If we got lucky, I could do a little "Louie Lou-I." something like that not a whole lot of it, the repertoire was sort of limited. All right, let's move on. We've got serious things coming up.
Oh, Wolf, oh, Anderson, I could work with this. The gray hair, the refined musical tastes, the man on man action, this has inspired me. Finally, I can get a good night's sleep.
::happy sigh::
Posted by: Erin | August 29, 2008 at 12:03 AM
My Santa has a beard like Wolf.
You have good taste.
Posted by: Zayrina | August 29, 2008 at 12:13 AM
Erin - Don't you live right by Atlanta, where Wolf is -- wait -- don't answer that! I know you Dots like your total anonymity.
Zayrina - My Gary used to have a beard like Wolf. It was awful. See http://mocklog.typepad.com/queen_mediocretia/2006/06/this_just_in_he.html
Posted by: TheQueen | August 29, 2008 at 12:13 AM
Anderson is HOT. Gay or not, totally fantasy worthy. In my fantasies, he wouldn't be sitting around talking about his favorite band tho!
Posted by: #0.75 | August 29, 2008 at 08:19 AM
Okay, I can see Anderson Cooper in an 18th century dandy kind of way. But Wolf Blitzer?
Then again, this is coming from someone who thinks Jack Black is really adorable...
Posted by: Becs | August 29, 2008 at 12:45 PM
Dan Abrams has a pretty mouth.
Posted by: #3 | August 29, 2008 at 01:19 PM
Wolf-not so much
My personal fantasy newsmen are Keith Olbermann and David Gregory. I've even had dreams with David in them, inexplicably flying us both somewhere in a helicopter. There's some hidden meaning there, I'm sure...
Posted by: Kristie | August 30, 2008 at 02:06 PM
.75 - You surprise me!
Becs - Wolf is cuddly
3 - Really? Really? Hunh.
Kristie - KO and DG - yes. I would concur.
Posted by: TheQueen | August 30, 2008 at 03:31 PM
Excellent choice with Anderson. Wolf doesn't do it for me. Olbermann, however.....yummy. Feel free to visit the wall of boyfriends in my cube any time. I may need to add some faces....I told you I was reading, oh queen!!
Posted by: Friend to be named later | September 02, 2008 at 04:58 PM
Friend to be Named Later - I felt Anderson needed just a little touch of testosterone, so I added a pinch of Blitzer.
Posted by: TheQueen | September 02, 2008 at 10:07 PM