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May 13, 2008



Congratulations! You have achieved your "Give Guilt" superpower! Soon the world will be looking at you with big, tear filled eyes (Hey, it goes well with your ability to make people cry!)

As superpowers go, it's not that bad, really. Now I'm kind of scared of you.


Oh, sing it. I hate people who come to work contagious. I do think they kill other people, and it makes me wish to do violence to them -- except I don't want to go near them, or I'm already too weak from catching their crud.


Oh.my.god. I want to be in a cubicle next to you. We would get nothing done. It would be awesome.


Wow. And if she worked in NYC, she'd have coughed on the entire NYC subway system too.

Amy in StL

So you know how some workplaces give awards for people who don't have any absences? I think there should be awards for people who stay HOME when they're sick. No-one here does that, they just live with Lysol and hand sanitzer at their desks.


A guy at work - in his late 50s, heavy smoker - has been complaining of a sinus infection since JANUARY.

My bet? Lung cancer. How many times does this guy have to go to the doctor before someone does a chest x-ray?


Oh, I love it! People coming to work sick is my biggest pet peeve.


Sherri - Neh - that lady doesn't feel guilty. She laughed. But I AM up at 1:30 from baking brownie for certain people.
Sara - Did you ever read The Mirror Cracked by Agatha Christie? You'd like that.
Candy - Oh, but I would tell you to shut up very rudely if you bless me when I sneeze. i hate that. Waste of work time.
Magpie - Maybe someday NY will be like Japan where everyone wears masks.
Amy - TeddyJ has the hand sanitizer on every wall by a bathroom.
Becs - Theres a woman at work who, every time she laughs, it turns into a cough, and then a constipated grunting sound. I think she has lung cancer.
Heidi - They should work from home at least, TeddyJ lets them.

Friend #3

I work three cubicles down from the Queen, Candy. You'll get stuff done. She summarily dismisses you after a few minutes of innocuous banter.


Friend #3 - You all get back at me the way you shut up when I walk in.

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