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January 24, 2008



Take the swimsuit! Remember, it isn't just about swimming. There's a sauna, a steamroom and somewhere, there have to be about half a dozen hot tubs to get in. If you're worried and all girly about "Oooo, someone will think I am not the sylph I once was", don't be. It's likely you will never see these people (and if you do, you won't recognize them) again. And hey - don't you all strip down to emulate General Butt Naked, anyway?


This is completely unacceptable.

How am I supposed to be entertained?

It just has to be all about you.


I'm so jealous. We were supposed to go on that cruise, and I was so looking forward to meeting you!...but life happened, and we can't. If you feel a ghost behind your shoulder, it's me. Oh, and kiss the cute one for me.


I'm with Becs. Bring the suit!


Take the swimsuit and the vibrator. I went out and BOUGHT a swimsuit for my cruise (haven't owned one in 20 years). No vibrator for me, though, as I will be sharing a room with my parents. So it is up to you to represent for all of us pervs.

Oh, and have some hot sweaty monkey sex with Steve for me, mmkay?


Take the swimsuit and the vibrator. I went out and BOUGHT a swimsuit for my cruise (haven't owned one in 20 years). No vibrator for me, though, as I will be sharing a room with my parents. So it is up to you to represent for all of us pervs.

Oh, and have some hot sweaty monkey sex with Steve for me, mmkay?


I didn't quite get that Jammies, can you type it again?


Take the swimsuit, you never know. I'm taking my Zune (mp3 player) with me. It has episodes of Scrubs and BNL and Guster concerts that I can watch while I'm hanging around in the airport. I'm in cabin 7335; look me up if you get a chance.


Becs - There is a hot tub directly behind where the band will perform on the Lido deck. Hmm. Oops - forgot - they used to diagnose MS by putting people in hot tubs and seeing how bad they felt after.
Zayrina - well, for this week it does. Except, really it will be about Gary.
~~Silk - awwMAAAAN - I was crossing my fingers that was the plan, then I read that plans fell through - crap.
ajooja - But really, when there's a good chance it will be just a waste of space? Of course, I did hear today that cruise pools are filled with salt water. That might be novel.
Jammies - Can't bring the vibrator, ummm... it's too noisy. See my response to Melissa, below.
Zayrina - (writing) - "note: have hot, sweaty monkey".. wait. Not hot sweaty MOTEL monkey sex? Without the motel aspect, it's just hot and sweaty and ...monkey.
Melissa - Well, stomp on the floor just for fun, because I'm in 6334, almost directly below you. You'll recognize me because I'm the one with the pimple by my nose so huge that my cataract-blinded mom commented on its size today.


You can't take the vibrator because you have a pimple on your nose?

And I didn't say "hot sweaty motel monkey sex" because you would be having hot sweaty cruise ship monkey sex, which is even better. Tell Gary you're doing it for another MS'er--I'm sure he'll understand.


Jammies - okay, hot sweaty cabin monkey sex. And you know how noise carries through cruise ships? Melissa is right above me, you see.


I didn't know cruise ship floors were that thin (or that you were that noisy!).

You'll be on the cruise with a Lush celebrity, and she's from Ohio! http://www.lush.com/cgi-bin/lushdb/ffvote/zoom2.html?vid=2


Jammies - I will try to sniff her out. Ahahahaha. I kill me.

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