Hey, do you know if you walk into the hospital and tell every one you meet during the registration and screening process that you don't want Versed, at some point they will be gathered around you and chorus, "No, we are not giving you Versed!"
So, I was convincing. Convincing enough the anesthesiologist recommended I write down my Versed experiences because I made it sound like something from the Book of Revelation. (I did tell him I had blogged it, but I don't think I gave him the address.)
What they did give me was Propofol. It convinced me they were filling my arm with lead through the IV, and then the next thing I knew I woke up and burst into tears of relief when I realized I didn't remember anything. I cried for about 10 minutes, then sniffled for another half an hour, and now I'm damn cranky because I can't eat or drink until six. And then no solid food till lunch tomorrow, and even then a low fat diet for five days. Because Christmas is when you need to be on a low fat diet.
Oh, and the cyst appears to be full of "a thick putty material suggestive of an old organized pseudocyst." So, not even a real cyst. At least it was organized. Because damn, I hate disorganization in a cyst.
So, now it appears I get to barrel through the last few steps in the process, and the day after Christmas I might get my first dose of the test drug. Thanks to everyone for their well wishes.
Putty is better than mud! You go, girl! I bet you have those people eating out of your hands!
Posted by: judith | December 18, 2007 at 03:25 PM
Pancreatic putty. Who knew? Well congrats your Majesty and best of luck in the trial.
Posted by: Zayrina | December 18, 2007 at 10:21 PM
Those sound like some good results. I'm so happy you missed the heart (or whatever body part) of the experience, and that things are moving forward.
Also, way to be a kickass advocate for yourself.
Posted by: Vaguely Urban | December 18, 2007 at 11:29 PM
I've never been so happy to hear about putty in a pancreas.
Congrats on not getting Versed too. Sounds like a whole day of victory!
Posted by: Katie | December 19, 2007 at 09:42 AM
I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping your cyst would turn out to be a reabsorbed twin. That, to me, would be the equivalent of a medical grand slam. I even googled "pseudocyst" just to make sure that it wasn't a fancy name for "fragments of a vanished twin."
(I am happy that it wasn't anything serious, though).
Posted by: Christy | December 19, 2007 at 09:46 AM
Hooray! Did they pop that pimple, or did they just leave all that disorganization in there?
SUPERbummer about the lowfat holiday. Although, we made a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving with nonfat evaporated milk that turned out delicious - if you don't eat the crust, the only fat in there is from the 2 eggs, and I guess you could fake those with eggbeaters or something. This does little to substitute for nuts and cheese, but it's something. I've been hitting the skim hot cocoas pretty hard lately. Godiva liqueur is n/f. So is spiced rum. Just saying.
Posted by: TasterSpoon | December 19, 2007 at 12:35 PM
Bad pancreas, faking a cyst like that! I bet it just wanted attention.
And yes, the lowfat thing at the holidays sucks, but if you were getting solumedrol you'd be on a lowfat, no-salt, no alcohol diet, so it could be worse, yes?
Posted by: Jammies | December 19, 2007 at 01:27 PM
Judith - Well, I don't know. I got a message from them today asking I call them back "immediately." Perhaps its C4 and not putty.
Zayrina - I came close to quitting it all today after the four hour MRI wait.
Vaguely Urban - Things are hurtling forward. The four hour MRI today means that I have to go back and finish up tomorrow, then it's time for my first dose.
Katie - When they reported on Gary's gallstones they used words like "cranberry and chartreuse" to describe the color. Putty sounds so pedestrian.
Christy - OH MY GOD! You are so right! Bwhahahaaha.
Tasterspoon - I got the idea they extruded it. Actually, I'm afraid to eat. Today I had a banana.
Jammies - I could indeed be worse. Plus, I carbo-loaded and chowed fatty foods right before the test, so I'm actually pretty satisfied.
Posted by: TheQueen | December 20, 2007 at 01:01 AM