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December 22, 2007



Um...I'm betting she doesn't. But still. Most of us have been caught in similar situations. Maybe Karen really does need to get a stickectomy.


She won't find it funny. She'll probably hate you for reminding her. Go for it.

Friend #3

See if you can't make a note of the hex code for the color of Karen's 25-year-old embarrassment.


Becs - I think she'd have one reaction in front of her relatives and another if we were alone. I'll have to see.
Caroline - Hm. I'll have to follow Gary's lead on this.
Friend #3 - I think denial would overwhelm any embarrassment. I expect to hear "What are you talking about? Coco? We never had a dog named Coco."

Hot Mom

Hey. Did Karen ever laugh at this? Has she made diamonds from that titanium rod yet?


Hot Mom - she denied it ever happened. No recall.

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