I went Friday night with Friends #2 and #3 to the Cowboy Mouth concert.
Friend #2 gets special credit for introducing me to CM's music. She was a bartender in New Orleans and worked at a bar the band played in. And evidently "in" is the operative word: the drummer/frontman crawled through the rafters at the venue, dropped down behind the bar, and said something so profane to the owner Sam that I can't even quote it here. Perhaps Friend #2/Hot Mom will leave it in the comments.
Friend #3 gets special credit for understanding when I was delayed at the car dealer, and driving 20 minutes from her house right by me to Friend #2's place out west so I could pick them both up there. Then she gets Extra Special Bonus credit for understanding when Gary called because when I left him at the dealer I didn't check to see he had a way to get in. So, he was locked out. He said this loudly enough on the cell that #3 heard it while we waited in the car for #2 to orient the sitter.
"Haahahahaa!" #3 laughed cruelly, "He's locked out?"
"It isn't funny," I advised.
She called #2 who was getting the sitter settled in the apartment. "Gary locked himself out!"
"Haahahahaa!" #2 laughed cruelly.
What was really funny was after #3 left to rescue Gary, he called to say he was "brilliant" because he had put the clicker in his pocket, unbeknownst to himself, and WHAT DO YOU MEAN MARCIA'S COMING WITH THE CLICKER I JUST CALLED YOU ABOUT THAT FIVE MINUTES AGO!
More thanks to #2 for instantly calling #3 before the yelling was even over to say, "Go home and wait for us." She didn't add what I was thinking, which was "Perhaps the Heartless Cows will show some sympathy to me now that they've been jerked around by the Gary Panic Machine."
But no. Friend #2 advised, "Next time say, 'Oh, you're locked out? So, what are you going to do about that?'"
Friend #3 recommended similar heartless behavior. I suppose he could have driven to the Pageant to get the clicker. Never occurred to me.
Next: Cowboy Mouth Concert review. Later: What I Like About Gary. That'll take some time.
The guys at the car dealer may not have heard of Cowboy Mouth, but my sister-in-law has.
BTW, Ben-gay and Excedrin make for a great middle-age cocktail.
Posted by: Friend #3 | November 11, 2007 at 08:21 PM
Friend #3 - I bet you needed it.
Posted by: TheQueen | November 12, 2007 at 05:00 PM