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October 23, 2007



Please please PLEASE make the prophet dress up as Garydamus for Halloween this year, complete with long beard.

That is all.


You are such a good role model. Wish I'd thought of doing that years ago...

btw, Mrs. Notredamus? Cracked me up.


Holy shit, this is awesome. I wish your blog had a "favorite" button like Flickr.


Catherine - Do you not remember the horrors of Gary's beard? I don't want him to even consider re-bearding even in jest.
Sue - I think it's because we dont have access to tape recorders anymore. Remember when the threat was "I'm going to tape you saying that so you can hear how you sound?"
Styro - I have noticed the correlation between my emotional PAIN and others enjoyment. Sigh.


I think you should start calling him Garydamus all the time, btw.


styro - I should. By the way, Garydamus predicts I will go blind as a result of this clinical trial. He would have written a quatrain, but he has the flu, poor baby.

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