So, the car quest continues. This weekend we test drove a Toyota Yaris and a Toyota Prius. The Prius was like a spaceship, and it was eco-friendly and it was disturbingly roomy for Mini owners. So, here's the breakdown:
Prius Yaris
Seats 5 10K less than the Prius
49mpg 10K less than the Prius
ecological 10K less than the Prius
The Yaris also has the name going for it. Gary can't remember the name.
"Ellen, do you think the Ya...Ya...Ya-Ya car - what's the name again?"
(I scheme momentarily.) "Yu-rus."
"No! It was Ya something!"
"Oh! Yu-rin."
So what turned Gary off the Toyota Urine today was the discovery that it doesn't have a tachometer. Well, it does if you get the S model, which has the same engine etc, except for an extra 1500 you get a tachometer. This injustice has him so outraged that Toyota is almost dead to him now and he's talking about the soul-less Honda Seizure again.
- seats 5
- 49 mpg
- ecological
- tachometer
Honda Petit Mal
- seats 5 very skinny, short young people
- 30 mpg
- ecological when compared to the Humvee
- tachometer *ta daaaaaaaaaaa*
Posted by: Friend #3 | October 17, 2007 at 08:13 AM
I would think the "urine" name would have turned him off first. ;)
Posted by: sue | October 17, 2007 at 08:27 AM
The Prius is freaking expensive. Get a Corolla, it's a good middle ground, and they get about 40mpg.
Posted by: styro | October 17, 2007 at 12:59 PM
Friend #3 - And you can recline completely in the Fit. The seats pop right out and you can REARRANGE YOUR CAR. It's like a car from Thunderbirds.
Sue - Neh. Gary hasn't forgotten the name since then, though.
Styro - Well, we looked at one, but it seemed too sedan-esque. I know someone who drove her Corrlla for 200,000 miles. My niece has a Corolla too.
Posted by: TheQueen | October 17, 2007 at 10:59 PM
How could you NOT get the car that Steven Page drives?
Posted by: Melissa | October 18, 2007 at 02:05 PM
My car is essentially a Corolla; it's a Geo Prism. It has 196,000 and is ticking along nicely save for a burned out brake light. I get 32-35 mpg.
Posted by: Caroline | October 18, 2007 at 02:52 PM
I drive a P-O-S which has crapped out on me for the last time-this week actually. Would cost $825 to fix and is only worth about I'm on a car hunt as well. I don't like it. I don't have any idea about what I want or what to get nor do I have money. Grrr! Cars!
Posted by: Autumn | October 18, 2007 at 03:34 PM
Melissa - I have to say, it crossed my mind. I'm such a sheep.
Caroline - How is your husband with the Prism? I find when Gary gets the car itch it cannot be quelled. Luckily, he only gets the itch every twelve years or so.
Autumn - What we do is wait till the car is worth $200 for the scrap metal, then we keep driving it. I know we're supposed to save up while we have no car payment, but we never do.
Posted by: TheQueen | October 18, 2007 at 10:24 PM
I know right...I apparently suck at the saving while not having a car payment also...although, in my defense, I did JUST finish paying it off in April...I thought I was going to have more time-BOO! Oh, and apparently my car is only worth 1k, and that's bc the dealer is being generous. Ha ha ha.
Posted by: Autumn | October 19, 2007 at 11:09 AM
Autumn - I was so pissed the dealer only offered me $250 for my Honda CRX that I called a friend and sold it to her for $250.
Posted by: TheQueen | October 20, 2007 at 10:33 AM