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August 26, 2007



And now you've gone and broken *my* heart. Sniffle. Okay, you made me laugh a lot with this post, too, but yeah, much sniffling.

Life goes on, indeed. Enjoy the goat while you're at it.

Friend #3

There is life, and even mirth, in death. That's what makes it bearable. I'm glad you had a little angel with you to keep things in perspective.

david Brown

That really does suck...add me to the list of those whose thoughts are with your family.


Again, speechless. My thoughts are with you.


I loved this post. The picture is awesome too. :)


Still thinking of you and your extended family...and that picture really is priceless.


>>And it occurs to me that men and women don't hold hands in public in Islamic culture.<<

Fortunately, you're not Islamic. No faux pas. You didn't force anyone else to touch each others' sweaty, nervous palms.


Catherine – Her sweetness was a little light. That's why I let her beat me at a thumb war.
Friend #3 – Well, no mirth, but you could tell she didn't know what was going on.
David Brown – Thank you, David
Sue – Yes. I think I was in shock until Friday morning.
Ajooja - Thank you.
Autumn - It's odd - the little girl was very somber at the wedding, and almost cheery at the funeral.
Caroline - Well, I was very careful not to shake any men's hands.

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