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July 11, 2007


Friend #3

You've always been more popular than Jesus with me, girlfriend. :-)




Nah. You're both at 12 again. Are you sure you aren't subscribed to him ten times?


On del.icio.us Jesus is up 25 to 5. But you both beat me who has 1 subscriber (me).


I agree with Friend #3 - you've always been more popular with me. :)


Subscriber? What's a subscriber? I'm such a dimwit when it comes to this stuff.


I not know dis subskiber bit neether. Plz 'splain?


Friend #3 - Well, okay. Just keep those giant spikes to yourself, then, that's all I ask.
Connie - Are you Jewish then? Friend #3 is!
Silk - Well, it only happened after I resibscribed. It didn;t give me a choice of rss feeds, it just gave me one called "default." I think before I could see the atom and rss feeds.
Christy - Well, but you are new to delicious, aren't you? Besides, you have 7 on Bloglines.
Sue - Aha! You must be Jewish too!
KC and Zayrina - Well, if you are lazy like me, you subscribe to www.bloglines.com and make a list of the blogs you follow. Then when you go back to bloglines it shows you the blogs that have been updated, so you don't visit a blog and see the same post you saw earlier. I think google reader works the same way.

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