I was awakened suddenly this morning by a huge "GRROOONK" sound.
"Damn - what was that?" I thought, lying on my side, my eyes shut.
Then I exhaled. It occurred to me what the noise might have been.
Then I opened my eyes and saw the look of horror on Gary's face.
"What the hell was THAT?" he exclaimed.
"I might have snored so loudly I woke myself up."
"Girl, you woke us both up."
I have GRROOONKed my self awake a few times lately. It might be related to this giant mound of fat that has somehow attached itself to me. I rarely GRROOONKed prior to that.
Posted by: Zayrina | April 30, 2007 at 11:23 PM
I hate when that happens.
Posted by: sue | May 01, 2007 at 11:53 AM
I've done that! It's quite embarrassing.
Posted by: KC | May 01, 2007 at 01:35 PM
Been there, grooonked that.
Posted by: melati | May 01, 2007 at 04:42 PM
Haven't done that yet. Of course, right now there is lung ejecting coughing going on, so how would I know?
Posted by: Sherri | May 01, 2007 at 06:16 PM
Zayrina - Yep, I have just been introduced to upper-body fat. I was quite used to the ever-growing lower-body fat, but the upper-body fat might just kill me.
Sue - I hate it too. I might have to move back to the guest room.
KC - Given the unexpected sounds Gary's been known to make, I didn't feel too embarrassed.
Melati - This calls for a "Been There, Gronked That" t-shirt.
Sherri - Oooo, coughing. I advise you get to the doctor and get an inhaler. Just don't go out shopping, both mom and I spend excessively when we inhale. From the Bronchial Inhalers.
Posted by: TheQueen | May 01, 2007 at 11:01 PM