I have surprised myself. In my youth, I was very modest. Any sweater I wore had to be covered by a jacket to hide the sheer boobaliciousness. Until I was in college the number of people who saw me naked could have been counted on one finger. (And that one finger, my Mom, just thought, "What happened in college?")
SO, I'm going on this Barenaked Ladies cruise, and the band in their youth had a great time showing up at events naked, becoming naked during concerts, encouraging/bribing/inebriating audience members to become naked if only momentarily. Traditionally, they would record one song per album naked. This last album, not so much with the naked. No naked song. Reportedly, "Naked men were really funny when we were 21. At 35, it's just kind of sad."
However, the organizing company for this cruise posted on the cruise message board that if you show up on the Lido deck at a certain date and time, naked, there will be a group photo with the band. (They didn't specifically state the band would be naked.) The message board initially responded to this proclamation with:
1) Skepticism, and
2) Horror, and
3) Judgment
...whereas it was met by me with "Cool! Especially now that I know I don't have Skin Cancer!"
I tried to determine what changed in me that I would now let myself be naked in public. I've decided it's the fat and age. Fat and age have changed my body from something that would get me into scary sexual situations to something that would elicit, at worst, ridicule, and I can deal with that. That's all I can figure.
That, and it will make Gary crazy.
Looks like Gary will need to pack his pimp hat and get ready to do business.
Posted by: Queen Mother | December 23, 2006 at 03:45 PM
"Bidness," Mother, "bidness" is what the pimps do.
And I told him, and while he is appalled and even tried to shame me about my body, he's a little bemused.
Posted by: TheQueen | December 24, 2006 at 10:04 AM
That just seems so...chilly, what with being out on the open water and all. Having said that, you should totally do it.
Being that I was born with clothes on, I will have to live vicariously through you.
Posted by: Catherine | December 24, 2006 at 11:44 AM