(My goal is to make it through this post without using one of my favorite words, a word Gary has decided is too base and common (and coarse, and vulgar) for me to continue using. )
During my recent visit to the ER, I was shocked to see two teenage prostitutes. I don't think I've ever seen a streetwalker before (and please note that I could have capitalized on the rhyme between "before" and ... that other term, but I restrained myself). And I have no proof, but I feel as sure as if they had come over to Gary and said, "Hi, we're Bunnie and Monique. Wanna do us for twenty bucks?"
First of all, one was pale, thin, and had red-rimmed eyes. Her hair was too fine to support even the weight of the heavy black dye she used. The other girl, the sick one, looked in better health, even though she was as pale. At least she had some flesh on her hips, rolling between her low-rise jeans and her fuzzy midriff sweater.
I admit, I began to wonder about their profession even before their friend, the blinged-out 40-year old black man in this t-shirt showed up. I think the giveaway was that while they talked and giggled like teenage girls, they never rolled their eyes. They didn't put up that adolescent barrier of scorn you'd expect from the only two teenagers in a room of half-dressed grownups. Instead, they called everyone they knew on their cell phones and finally summoned "him," complaining they had waited in the ER for three hours and could he come and take care of it?
So, they were be my first up-close and personal Hooker Experience. In the past I was warned I was in the presence of hookers in Fort Wayne, Indiana. They looked quite normal to me. They could have been waiting for friends to drive by. I've been in bigger cities, but saw no ladies of the evening there.
I was even in Toronto, Canada and saw no courtesans. (Had to go to the thesaurus for that). Only in Canada they call them "whoures."
I made that up, but I think it might be true.
Do you think prostitues get gout?
Posted by: melati | December 21, 2006 at 10:06 AM
I gout it.
Posted by: TheQueen | December 21, 2006 at 07:13 PM
Hookers in Fort Wayne? Place of my upbringing? How scandalous!
Posted by: ariel | December 22, 2006 at 12:12 AM
Where does Gary stand on the use of the word "pimp" ?
Posted by: Queen Mother | December 23, 2006 at 08:48 AM
Ariel - The people I was with were adamant the women on a that particular corner were, indeed, working it. I refer you to the B______ family of New Haven, Indiana.
Queen Mother - He has quite the double standard. "Pimp" is fine.
Posted by: TheQueen | December 23, 2006 at 11:26 AM