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December 20, 2006




(That counts as a complete sentence, right? I mean, I don't know what I can add to it to make it more formal.)


I believe the actual conversation went more like:

Honey, I hope you won't be disappointed in your Christmas presents this year. I didn't spend much since we're on a tight budget. But I think you'll like them and I got a hell of a deal on one of them.

You know... not that I was present for the conversation in question or anything. ;-)

"I'm concerned you might take it personally..." pshaw!


Luckily, I can actually use complete sentences when speaking with my husband. However, his eyes glaze over when I do so.
Now, a conversation with my mother is quite a bit like the one you had with your husband. Frustrating, but funny also.

Vaguely Urban

Ellen, I admire your efforts to speak in a civilized manner with your husband. I may attempt a similar social experiment this evening in my own home.


Gout makes it hard to talk in complete senteces.


And to spell, it would appear.

An aside to my St. Louis friends: to clarify Melati's obsession with Gout, see:


and also



Me and gout just don't get along.


To speak that way, do you have to prepare the whole sentence in advance and say it over in your head? I think I would have to. I don't know how people speak in paragraphs.

I think over the holiday I'll start calling my parents "Mother" and "Father," and see how that plays out.

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