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December 16, 2006



How can I help, dear?


Believe me, if you could have helped I would have marched over, pounded on your desk and demanded it.


If it's any consolation, there is a God. And He/She loves me. My sister was too sick to drive up this weekend, so it looks like the dysfunctional family Hanukkah will be pleasantly less dysfunctional than previously thought.

Although, I have learned in my day that God has a sick sense of humor. (See Thanksgiving 2003.)


So the electronics were friend and Ellen has MS, but it was really quite the upbeat year!

Add in about 30 typos and multiple references to God, and you have my husband's aunt's annual letter. I'll try to find it and show you. It's a scream.


By the way, now we can add Hanukkah 2006 to the list. I stand corrected about the dysfunctional family Hanukkah being pleasantly less dysfunctional without my sister.

It was, in fact, far more dysfunctional than ever could have possibly been imagined.


You mean, as in:

You know, at this moment, Caroline is reading my blog, I'm reading your blog, and You're reading my blog. Really, if we were articulate we could just use telephones.


Damn, Marcia, you're making me reconsider calling in sick for work. I feel like shit and really need to see a doctor, but dysfunctional Hannukah? Decisions, decisions.


I KNOW. I'm going to drag my hacking, puking self in just to hear. And there are seven more days of the unspellable holiday!


I'll tell you the same thing I said to Sue last week. GO TO THE DOCTOR!


Well, I am. Only I'm going in to see him for the Skin Cancer.


And, yes, as in that post. I wish I could find the humor in in like I did last time, but that's not happening.


Skin Cancer?

I figure I probably need antibiotics. 1) I went through 2 boxes of kleenex in one day and felt like a science experiment. 2) My mom announced, during a cell phone call with lousy reception, that I sounded infected.

Exactly how does one sound infected? Although, all 300 of the kleenex I used Saturday do seem to support her theory.

Marcia, I just read your blog. I'm sorry.


Excuse me? Skin Cancer?


Thanks, Caroline. :-(


People. I am torn. I want to make this a virtual on-line support group here in the comments section, but I also want to go to bed and sleep on the heating pad.


Go to bed. Get well, k?

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