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September 21, 2006



You are going to get so many toe lickers now...

And excuse me, but MY breasts ARE a whale watch.

Queen Mother

Nice girls don't spread their toes apart like that. Sniff.


Supreme Mother is right.

Toe floozy.


If I charged, I could be a toe 'ho.

Josh Albon

please get in contact with me i love your feet and could set u up with a proper foot shoot and start to sell pic of ur toes guys love mature fete especially me send me some more dome pics and well see where it goes from there!!!


Mature fete? Somewhere else in St. Louis is a woman who has "feet like a little baby's" -- according to her pedicurist.

I wonder on what part of the age spectrum my feet fall.

And what is a dome pic?


Josh! You are a brave one. Funny, I was just admiring those women in Memphis at the Festival who took their tops off. It was so little effort and it made other people so happy. But, I ran it past Gary and given that he suggested I just cut off a toe and send it to you instead, I don't think he's down with the idea. Thanks for thinking of me, but it looks like I'll stay an independent.
Christy - Well, I checked urban-dictionary and all I can guess is it's my feet and the top of someone else's head.
But doesn't it make you feel good about the world that there is a place for people who like mature feet? We all have feet, and we all get mature. There is hope for everyone.


Christy - did I figure this out before and just forgot? "Dome pics" is "Come pics" with a typo! I suppose I might spread my toes during climax. I don't know.

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