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June 24, 2006


Vaguely Urban

Wish I'd been at dinner with you! It sounds like it was delish. More importantly, I could have saved you one star worth of embarassment. When you made the BNL reference, I would have busted out, "You always wanted a mon-KEE!" to validate you.


I should have seen it coming - when we left Boogaloo, Catherine suggested the "restaurant down the street" and only nodded when I asked "where hungry people like to eat?"

Then again, Catherine suggested I get the Marroon 5 Live CD, so I will love her forever.


How did you know I was really a French Catamite?! My cover has been blown.

In other news, I would have totally dug into the dessert with you, because bread pudding ROCKS.

The Lobster Macaroni & Cheese sounds DIVINE.

Finally, my favorite BNL song is "Deck the Stills" from the Christmas album. I laugh heartily and for extended periods of time whenever I think of or listen to that song.

Catherine (redheaded one)

I will do my BNL homework for our next dinner outing.
BTW...I did not hear her wine laughing, ...I ate more than just the berry on top, I ended up not liking the bread part of the pudding; the caramel was great.
...I have mulberry tree, it's the only tree in my backyard, and yes birds eat them and poop purple all over the deck and pond despite the flying cat. But, alas, it isn't a blackberry bush, I still need one of those.


Red Headed Catherine! I thought of you last night when I went to Provisions and bought THREE bottles of that wine. Anyone who comes over will have to help me drink it, if there is any left by the next GNO.

Catherine (redheaded one)

so, when's the next GNO? I'm all in...maybe if I sit very still, I would hear it laugh and that would amuse me.

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