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April 09, 2006



Ugh - this page just got hit as the FOURTH find when searching for "hot penis" on Blogsearchengine.com.


I hear Hot Penis is opening for Fingering Husband's Rectum at some place frequented by Chuck Berry.


Oh, and your Aunt Rosemary sounds all kinds of awesome.


Aww Catherine! You just started my day with a great big belly laugh. I hear Hot Penis is comprised of Grandma's Boobs drummer and the keyboard guy from Urination Dry Humping.


Glad I can provide some chuckles from the west coast! And MAN, Chuck Berry SO wants to be in this group.


Now that I think of it...wouldn't Fingering Husband's Rectum be opening for Hot Penis?


Hee - I believe you are right! Every group needs a warm-up.


Yes, especially one as big as Hot Penis.


Whoops, I meant to say opening act - every group needs an opening act!


Fingering Husband's Rectum is opening for Hot Penis, but they had to use the rear entrance. God, I loved BBM.

Here's hoping this scores more hits on blogsearchengine.com.

Oh, and I agree with Catherine. Your Aunt Rosemary sounds very cool.


And it only took me 2 hours before it struck me BBM was Brokeback Mountain. A movie that should be treated with respect, damnit, even by drunk women at happy hour.

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