Okay, well, we do. It's May 12th.
I even warned the token Mormon today and assured her it would be a celebration of her Mormonism, not really an Inquisition, much as the Girl's Sabbath Out was a celebration of Marcia's Judaism. Well. Except the Church of the Latter Day Saints has even more quirky habits to question. Especially when one has had ones political correctness washed away by some Cosmopolitans.
My problem is in making it a theme night. GSO was easy: Marcia brought kosher hot dogs and challah bread. I made a mixed CD of famous Jewish musicians from the Rock and Roll Challah Fame (it kills me they had to change their name). There was hora dancing. There was Mogen David wine. Jewish celebration? Oy, so easy.
But Mormons? What shall we drink? How shall we dance? Is there special Mormon food? Gary's been researching and claims Jello salad is HUGE with the Morms. Is there any music except for the Osmonds? Perhaps I can drum up some hard rock covers of Osmond tunes. We could all just wear our underwear and claim it's sacred. All I know is I need to get my hands on that Mormon episode of South Park. Oh, and of course we can call our Mormon "Saint Stacey" since she is a Latter Day Saint.
The South Park "Mormons" episode is quite possibly my all-time favorite, and I had it saved on TiVo #1 so that I could watch it whenever the mood struck. TiVo #1 then died, and I cried buckets over the loss.
Rock and Roll Challah Fame may be my most favorite name ever. They had to change it? Pity. :(
As far as my experience with the LDS kids goes, Jell-O is BIG. Of course, the Mormon kids I grew up with would rather have Jell-O shots instead, because they drank more than us non-Mormons combined, I swear.
Yes, Osmonds, Jell-O and sacred underwear would make your party big. Oh, and maybe the TV ad promoting the Book of Mormon on a running loop in the background, too!
Maybe you can get your husband to dress up like a missionary with the mountain bike, bike helmet, backpack, short-sleeved business shirt and dress pants.
Posted by: CatherineG | April 18, 2006 at 02:33 AM
That's a good idea - Jello Salad shots. As the Mormons evidently say: it's a salad because it's green. Gary can't be a missionary though; no husbands allowed at Girl's Night Out.
Posted by: TheQueen | April 18, 2006 at 11:07 AM
What if Gary did a funny cameo appearance and knocked on the front door and asked you if you'd like to receive Christ in your life?
Jell-O shots are always good.
Posted by: CatherineG | April 18, 2006 at 12:43 PM
TiVo alert!
Weds April 26 - before the new show, at 8:30 Central, they are re-running the Mormon show. Set TiVo #2, Catherine G!
Posted by: TheQueen | April 18, 2006 at 04:00 PM
WOOOOO! Thanks for the update!
Posted by: CatherineG | April 19, 2006 at 01:50 AM