Every free minute this week has been spent with the new guitar, Uncle. (That is to say every minute not spent detailing how one can kill the infidels with potato eyes and tobacco.) I'm loving the Uncle. Evidently the secret to rock is to be unafraid of beating the hell out of your guitar.
It gave me enough confidence to play "Brian Wilson" past the point in the song book when it changes from:
"Half-time Ballad Feel"
"Full Rock Groove"
which just kills me every time I see it. Not "fortissimo" but "Full Rock Groove" - why not "Shake It!" or "Get Down, White Girl?" Not wanting to do a partial rock groove, I've never played past this point. I've certainly never tried to play along with it, but after seeing how agreeable Uncle is when you pound on him, I stuck in the iPod and played along and discovered as long as I don't do anything except change chords I can keep up.
This means I spent the rest of this evening playing all the fast songs I've been avoiding, including "The Old Apartment," which I was able to play and strum (easy strum pattern) and sing along with, which was pretty funny, since it was me chirping sweetly "the hole I punched in the door" and "tore the phone out of the wall."
I am so envious of your guitar-playing skills. The only guitar experience I have is learning "Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore" and assorted other ditties in grade school.
Posted by: CatherineG | April 23, 2006 at 08:20 AM
Yes, well, wait until you have an unexplainable urge to rock out in your mid-forties. I, on the other hand, am wildly envious of your knitting skills. You can make SOCKS. You may not know this but Socks are My Life.
Posted by: TheQueen | April 23, 2006 at 08:17 PM
I haven't tried making socks yet but they are definitely on my list. I've been told that once you wear handmade socks, you never go back. Or something like that.
Posted by: Catherine | April 24, 2006 at 08:05 AM